International on-the-job learning periodKansainväliselle työssäoppimisjaksolle

International on-the-job learning periodKansainväliselle työssäoppimisjaksolle

Ulkomaille työssäoppimaan opintoihin liittyen? Antamaan näyttö omasta ammatillisesta osaamisesta uudessa ja täysin erilaisessa ympäristössä? Haastavaa – aivan varmasti. Mahtava ammatillinen mahdollisuus – kyllä. Seuraavassa katalaani kokkiopiskelijoiden Barcelonasta, Rizalin ja Sergion, tuntemuksia ja ajatuksia koskien omaa kahden kuukauden kansainvälistä työssäoppimisjaksoa Rovaniemellä Lapin matkailuopistossa, Suomen Lapissa.

Ulkomaille työssäoppimaan opintoihin liittyen? Antamaan näyttö omasta ammatillisesta osaamisesta uudessa ja täysin erilaisessa ympäristössä? Haastavaa – aivan varmasti. Mahtava ammatillinen mahdollisuus – kyllä. Seuraavassa katalaani kokkiopiskelijoiden Barcelonasta, Rizalin ja Sergion, tuntemuksia ja ajatuksia koskien omaa kahden kuukauden kansainvälistä työssäoppimisjaksoa Rovaniemellä Lapin matkailuopistossa, Suomen Lapissa.

How is life as a foreign students doing the On the Job training in the other country such as Finland, Rovaniemi specifically?? Well first of all, let me introduce myself. Im Rizal Jr. Vicente Santos, students from Barcelona, Spain and presently studying to be a cook. Fortunately, one of the lucky student to recieved an scholarship of doing On the job training on the other country.

Well, it is not our idea actually of going here in Finland, it’s the Organization who chooses and tells you where to go, if you find the place cool and OK, you go there, if not, you can choose the place you want. Happens to be that I don`t see anything Bad of going here in Finland, instead I feel more curious how is the Gastronomy of this Scandinavian country, how is the food of the country which experience more cold temperature than Warm.

When I arrive in the Restaurant (Lapland Tourism College, Restaurant Oppipoika) where we are going to do the training and meet some School Staffs, some students who are going to work with us, I felt happy. They accept us very warm, and very interested to know many things about us and Spain. The first day of the training, we felt the difference from here compared to Spain.

About the climate and Temperature. First; the weather: It was only Month of september but the temperature is looks like we already in the months of coldest time in Spain. Next; we are not going to work the way we used to do in Spain. We used to shout, working full of pressure, hurrying and yelling to each other in the kitchen. But here If they want to ask some food to you, they are just going to told you very calm. About the students (young Finnish), Fortunately I got the opportunity to know them by chatting with them, going out and hang out with them since we got the same ages. How amazed i was when they told me and showed me how do they do parties here. For me,  I find it completely awesome since I’m a type of person who loves adventures and Going out.

With the short period of staying and working here, we learned a lot. With the help of our head chef, he taught us new cooking tecniques, new ways to make our job more easier. With the help of our colleagues, we learned some Finnish words, greetings, numbers and adding some colloquial curse words which I believe that if you are studying new language, you should learned them first. Now going back to Spain, I believe that adding our experiences here makes us more competent and easier to find a nice job in the future. Thanks to the Xarxa Rovaniemi and to the Organization Barcelona (FP) Formació Profesional for giving us the Opportunity to go here. – Rizal 🙂

Hello, I’m Sergio Centellas Ortega, from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. I’m 18 years old and I’m studying 2nd year of Cook. In the second year, our teachers ask us to go to any restaurant to do our practical classes outta school. So, my teacher ask me to take a schoolar ship to come to another country and do my practical classes. And, I accept. Then, the organitation of ”Xarxa FP Barcelona” take me to a meeting in there, and they told us how it was going to be.A few weeks, they give us our destination: Rovaniemi, Suomi; andt they ask us if it’s okay. So, we google Rovaniemi in Internet, and we say ”Yes, we are going to Rovaniemi”.

Different? Well, first that here, in Rovaniemi, it gettin dark so close, and we can’t go to the city at night, because we don’t know very well all the streets. Another thing, that they’re taking the lunch and the dinner so early, for us. And one thing that I don’t like from Rovaniemi is that, in kitchen, they use a lot of butter and cream, and personally, I don’t like it. Well, we have learned a lot of finnish words, like Kiitos, the numbers (until one thousand), liha, kala, keito (soup), and a lot of words that I don’t know how to write (and I shouldnt tell, jaja).

I think that my short time in Rovaniemi has been good. Now, I know I love my parents, because is the first time out of Spain in my own, but, I’m really enjoying this time, and I know that I’m going, in the future, come back to Rovaniemi, sure. And yes, this period in oppipoika it’s good for me, because is another way to Cook, very different than in Spain. When I’m back in Spain, I’m going to study pastry, because I really enjoy it; and also I’m going to work.

Anyway, I will never forget Rovaniemi, and all the people and friends that I have meet in there. – Sergio 🙂

 How is life as a foreign students doing the On the Job training in the other country such as Finland, Rovaniemi specifically?? Well first of all, let me introduce myself. Im Rizal Jr. Vicente Santos, students from Barcelona, Spain and presently studying to be a cook. Fortunately, one of the lucky student to recieved an scholarship of doing On the job training on the other country.

Well, it is not our idea actually of going here in Finland, it’s the Organization who chooses and tells you where to go, if you find the place cool and OK, you go there, if not, you can choose the place you want. Happens to be that I don`t see anything Bad of going here in Finland, instead I feel more curious how is the Gastronomy of this Scandinavian country, how is the food of the country which experience more cold temperature than Warm.

When I arrive in the Restaurant (Lapland Tourism College, Restaurant Oppipoika) where we are going to do the training and meet some School Staffs, some students who are going to work with us, I felt happy. They accept us very warm, and very interested to know many things about us and Spain. The first day of the training, we felt the difference from here compared to Spain.

About the climate and Temperature. First; the weather: It was only Month of september but the temperature is looks like we already in the months of coldest time in Spain. Next; we are not going to work the way we used to do in Spain. We used to shout, working full of pressure, hurrying and yelling to each other in the kitchen. But here If they want to ask some food to you, they are just going to told you very calm. About the students (young Finnish), Fortunately I got the opportunity to know them by chatting with them, going out and hang out with them since we got the same ages. How amazed i was when they told me and showed me how do they do parties here. For me,  I find it completely awesome since I’m a type of person who loves adventures and Going out.

With the short period of staying and working here, we learned a lot. With the help of our head chef, he taught us new cooking tecniques, new ways to make our job more easier. With the help of our colleagues, we learned some Finnish words, greetings, numbers and adding some colloquial curse words which I believe that if you are studying new language, you should learned them first. Now going back to Spain, I believe that adding our experiences here makes us more competent and easier to find a nice job in the future. Thanks to the Xarxa Rovaniemi and to the Organization Barcelona (FP) Formació Profesional for giving us the Opportunity to go here. – Rizal 🙂

Hello, I’m Sergio Centellas Ortega, from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. I’m 18 years old and I’m studying 2nd year of Cook. In the second year, our teachers ask us to go to any restaurant to do our practical classes outta school. So, my teacher ask me to take a schoolar ship to come to another country and do my practical classes. And, I accept. Then, the organitation of ”Xarxa FP Barcelona” take me to a meeting in there, and they told us how it was going to be.A few weeks, they give us our destination: Rovaniemi, Suomi; andt they ask us if it’s okay. So, we google Rovaniemi in Internet, and we say ”Yes, we are going to Rovaniemi”.

Different? Well, first that here, in Rovaniemi, it gettin dark so close, and we can’t go to the city at night, because we don’t know very well all the streets. Another thing, that they’re taking the lunch and the dinner so early, for us. And one thing that I don’t like from Rovaniemi is that, in kitchen, they use a lot of butter and cream, and personally, I don’t like it. Well, we have learned a lot of finnish words, like Kiitos, the numbers (until one thousand), liha, kala, keito (soup), and a lot of words that I don’t know how to write (and I shouldnt tell, jaja).

I think that my short time in Rovaniemi has been good. Now, I know I love my parents, because is the first time out of Spain in my own, but, I’m really enjoying this time, and I know that I’m going, in the future, come back to Rovaniemi, sure. And yes, this period in oppipoika it’s good for me, because is another way to Cook, very different than in Spain. When I’m back in Spain, I’m going to study pastry, because I really enjoy it; and also I’m going to work.

Anyway, I will never forget Rovaniemi, and all the people and friends that I have meet in there. – Sergio 🙂