and then came Taavi

and then came Taavi

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Door opened and Estonian bartender Mr. Taavi Tenso from Liviko walked in with Juho from Interbrands. Tervist Tervist! Friday the 13th – should we be scared? This might sound a cliché, but when you`re smiling the world is smiling to you. Taavi smiled and became more than faster friends with the “Master Class of Bartending”. I never stop admiring these true professionals who has the talent to “make things to happen” with their presence. Be available at the same level with the people around you and talk the same professional language, not minding how skillful you are or not. Letting people to come close to you and share your knowledge and vision. Something you can`t learn, something you are born with, if you ask me. What`s the  day`s program. Vana Tallinn training and a more than interesting co-operation case for students – a real chance to make something special and leave your mark permanently.

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3What a case for the class – AITÄH! Brand marketing – never get tired to these + always interesting to hear international (your) vision on mixology.   

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Originaali, kahvi, jäätelö, suklaa, kesäinen lime…

4Vana Tallinn. Product that every Finn “knows” and most have at one point brought it at some form from Estonia “as a souvenir”. What is it? What can you do with it? Well, let`s put it this way. It´s good and really versatile quality product that you just have to know it and learn to use it – the taste profile is just like made for us. Vai miltä kuulostaa seuraava lista: kaneel, tume rumm, apelsiinikoored, tähtaniis, muskaat, vanilje, ingver ja tsilli 😉

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Jäätävää kahden käden työskentelyä – todistettavasti onnistui.

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This is how it looks when you`ve been professionally evaluated.

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Final words & boost!

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What can I say – what a great week we have had and what a perfect The End. Thank you so much Juho, Patrik and Interbrands – always a real pleasure working with you guys. Thank you Taavi, Marge and Liviko – I hope we are going to have a long and productive co-operation. See you – näeme Tallinnassa 🙂

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Part2 coming soon – Guest Bartender Mr. Taavi Tenso, Vana Tallinn. cafe & bar 21



Kuvat Pics © Ari Manninen