you might be the “gods” of future – davai !

you might be the “gods” of future – davai !


Master Class of Bartending (Special qualification of bartending – the official fancy name) continued their studies at week 11. And what a great week it was due to our visitors. You know the feeling when things start to click – feels really good when it happens. It`s good to know, but even better to understand, simple as that. First came International Brand Ambassador Tatiana Petrakova from London and Roust International together with Sonja Vartio (Marketing and projects) from Helsinki and Interbrands Wines & Spirits. Let`s talk and train about vodka truths and trends, branding, marketing and vodka markets, Russian Standard and Żubrówka Bison Grass Vodka which is such a beloved product to us in Rovaniemi – why? Is there a story behind this relationship? And hey, where is Santa?

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Vodka. Clear, clean and smooth, but so different. 37,5 or 40ABV – does it matter? What makes the difference? Over 4000 vodka brands worldwide and more than 2000 of them in Russia – makes Russia the biggest vodka market in the world. But how many of those 2000 brands are premium ones like Russian Standard? Wheat is Russia. Cherry, blackcurrant and raspberry are Russia. Relaxation with little secrets?

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How should vodka be? Train your palate and learn more, learn to find the little differences.

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Vodka trends? Premiumisation, natural infusions, oak ageing (oak infused) and reinvention. To keep the color or not to keep – well there`s a question. And the vessels?

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Stories sell, stories are intriguing. What is the story behind FIAF`s Lapland Air Command`s Fighter Sqn11`s squadron emblem – “the roaring bull”, the wisent (“Hanni”) from Żubrówka`s etiquette from 1940`s. Do you know the story? We do – and the bull is still ramming at the sky.

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2/3 of world`s cocktails are vodka based – does it matter which vodka you are using in your Vodka Martini? What are you looking for, what is customer (consumers) looking for? Are they as shy as you are? What consumers are buying – purity? Vodka – so easy or tricky category to understand? Vodka – the perfect balance.

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Dear Santa 😉

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Thank You so much Tatiana and Sonja – two days just passed by, had a brilliant time with you 🙂 Thank you so much Roust International and Interbrands Wines & Spirits – we`ll continue our co-operation. This is the thing and this is the way to do it – our Master Class appreciates your effort. Things clicked 😉

…Bartenders used to be “gods” that you didn`t want to angry – I remember. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Could they be “gods” again – in an era people are staying at home, doing their cocktails at home.


Pics © Ari Manninen