this is the Spirit

this is the Spirit


09:00 sharp. Here we go. Morning coffee, the history of Irish whiskey and the story of Teeling Whiskey Co. Tasting and after that behind the bar with a creative – hopefully – pro touch with a Lappish twist. Was it a training day to remember or…


Fakta. Joskus muinoin Irlannissa oli yli 100 tislaamoa ja 1000 lupaa tislata. Odotusarvo on, että vuonna 2030 tislaamoita olisi jälleen jo yli 30.


Fakta. Joskus Irlantilainen viski oli 60-70% koko maailman viskituotannosta. Nykyisin se on 4,5% maailman viskituotannosta – kasvaa koko ajan. Miksi irlantilainen viski aikanaan ”kuoli”?



What makes Irish culture and products so fascinating? Why it appeals to Finnish people? Are we going to see the new rise of Irish pubs in Finland – what makes a proper Irish bar?


Fakta. Maailman vanhin viskitislaamo on irlantilainen Kilbeggan. Dublin – miksi muinoin? Loistavat olosuhteet viskin tuottamiselle – paljon vettä, paljon viljaa eikö veroja. Miten veroja kierrettiin – ja siinä samalla syntyi? Teeling Whiskey Co. on muuten ensimmäinen tislaamo Dublinissa 125 vuoteen.


Kuulemma fakta. Irlannissa on niin paljon pottuja, että kun avaat torpan kuin torpan oven, niin ne vyöryvät ylitsesi.



Mikä merkitys tuotteen alkoholipitoisuudella on kun käytät sitä juomasekoitusten valmistukseen? Onko ihan sama onko tuote 46-til% tai 40-til%!!?


This pic is all about bartending as it`s best – sharing your professionalism 🙂



What on earth is this? “Dublin Crow – “Teeling Single Malt, crowberry juice…



Let me tell you. It`s called “Rohto”. There is Poitin, mushroom tea, rowanberry, honey…


Beautiful balance. What it really means and to how to find it – which one is the genius part when you`re balancing the product or a cocktail? “ACT – Teeling Single Grain, fresh lingonberry purèe, cinnamon…
“Autumn flavours with Teeling – Teeling Single Malt, fresh lemon juice, fresh lingonberry purée, chocolate bitters, rosemary…


Kysymys. Kuka keksi “Irish Coffeen” ja missä? Tapahtuiko tämä oikeasti sillä tietyllä lentokentällä tietyn henkilön toimesta vai… Irish Coffee – play around with it!



“The King is back – Teeling Small Batch, fresh lemon juice, cane sugar, peach bitters, saffron syrup… “Garnishes were amazing and all foraged that morning… – Kevin


“Fantastic day playing around with Teeling Whiskey with the students from Lapland Tourism College. Infusion of Irish flavours and Lappish flavours. The standard of drinks from ”students” was unbelievable! – Kevin


“Teeling dew – Teeling Single Malt, fresh lingonberry purèe, cane sugar, egg white…


“Childhood memories – Teeling Single Grain, pineapple syrup, ½ apple, lingonberry juice…


“The Phoenix Forest – whole range with Arctic Cloudberry Liqueur, ginger syrup, lemon…


“We will rise again, Dublin whiskey is back!” After what I witnessed that`s quite easy to believe. There is that exciting buzzzzzz – Teeling came with a feeling. Thank You so much Teeling Whiskey Co. – Hugh & Kevin, Kevin & Hugh 🙂 It was great to have you here – brilliant relaxed two days with you guys. Really got the boost to play and work with the Irish Whiskey. New ideas, new spirit and now we really know – learning all the time. Don`t be surprised if you bump into some of us at the Newmarket Square. Thank You Interbrands Wines & Spirits and Juho for introducing The Teeling Whiskey Co. to us appreciated Friend 🙂

What do you think about Kevin`s & Hugh`s visit? “What a great day we had. I learned a lot and I´m certainly going to use it. Really interesting, inspiring and fresh. I`m very thank full for the opportunity to train with them. This whole thing left me excited…

It`s time to close this week with the Masterclass of bartending with one more post. That post includes one more “Teeling chapter”, `cause we had this idea on Friday during Juho`s wine training. Could we mix Teeling Whiskey and wines, with the Lappish twist, as a cocktail? Why not – we have this Teeling feeling now. Maybe with Cabernet Sauvignon?


Pics © Ari Manninen